What battalion of the 14th Field Artillery
were you with? Welcome to the home of the 14th Field Artillery: Since 1916 when the 14th Field Artillery was born, there have
been six battalions that have seen service. Two battalions served in Vietnam; all six battalions have made significant
contributions to the Army and to the Nation. All are part of our distinguished history. Please
take some time to look through the site. You will find an abundance of information. There are over 250 images/photos
throughout the site. Time waits for no one. If you really want to reconnect with those that
wore the same crest, act now and join us. You won't regret your decision.
Each battalion of the 14th Field Artillery has a
long and distinguished history. Those that served with the 14th have much to be proud of; your contributions have been many.
There may be someone on the Warbonnet Roster that you know. If you are in contact with other Warbonnets that are not
on our roster, please let them know where to find us.
Our goal is to reunite the Warbonnet Veterans and to contribute to the preservation of the distinguished
Warbonnet history. The Fourteenth has served in Europe, Vietnam, Iraq and at various Posts in the United States. Every Fourteenth Artillery Veteran has made a great contribution to the Nation and
to the Regiment.
Six battalions of Redlegs. We stand shoulder to shoulder. There are no strangers in the Regiment. Your relationship can be as "up close and personal" as you want it
to be. 24/7 we are in the "fire mission" mode. Redlegs take care of Redlegs!
We did our duty as Soldiers in the United States Army and as Redlegs of the 14th Field Artillery. Now it
is our duty to preserve and bear testimony to the legacy of this organization, that so many have served with.
Why are we "Warbonnets"? The distinctive unit insignia (unit crest) for the 14th Field Artillery was designed
to reflect the American Indian and Chief Satanta, War Chief of the Kiowa. A full description is on the "Crest" page.
Everything is better with a Warbonnet on it!